The default report title that is automatically inserted into the Report Title Page is fixed and remains the same each time. However, it’s worth remembering that each Report Type has its own Report Title Page with its own static report title. There are two ways you may want to customise your report title:
- You want to replace the standard Genovo static report title with your own custom static report title e.g. change the report title from ‘Suitability Report’ to ‘Financial Planning Report’ for your suitability reports.
- You want to replace the standard Genovo static report title with a dynamic report title i.e. you want to be able to give each report its own individual report title.
So, let’s look at how each of these can be achieved in Genovo.
1. How to add a custom static report title
1. From the dashboard go to Customisation > Report content manager.
2. Select Suitability Report from the 'Report Type' drop down, and the Report Title Page from the 'Report section' drop-down. The screen will refresh and the snippets that make up the Report Title Page will be listed out below.
3. Click the edit icon of the snippet entitled Title Page and a new window will open.
4. Click Create custom version of snippet and a new window will open where you edit the content of the snippet.
5. Next, click the 'Code view' button (shown in the screenshot below)
Then, edit the wording of the report title text that is wrapped in the “ReportTitle” span tag as per the example below.
<span class="ReportTitle”>Suitability Report</span>
and change it to (for example)
<span class="ReportTitle”>Financial Planning Report</span>
Keeping the text wrapped in the “ReportTitle” span tag will ensure that the report title text continues to take on the attributes of the Report Title style in the Report Theme.
6. Click the 'code view' button again to return to the normal text view. Finally check the content and click Save. You can then repeat this for each Report Type as required.
2. How to add a custom dynamic report title
1. Follow the first 4 steps as highlighted above.
2. However, this time, replace the static report title text, ‘Suitability Report’ with the tag {ReportTitle} as shown below.
<span class="ReportTitle”>Suitability Report</span>
<span class="ReportTitle”>{ReportTitle}</span
The {ReportTitle} tag is a dynamic tag that will be replaced by the text you enter into the 'Report Name' field in the Report Details page (see screenshot below), thereby providing you with the opportunity to give each report its own individual report title.
Report Theme
Remember the format (e.g. font, colour, size etc) that the report title text comes out on the title page of your reports is governed by the Report Title style in your active Report Theme.

If you use long report titles, you may find you need to reduce the font size of the Report Title style in the Report Theme to stop it running over multiple lines. To do this, simply click the corresponding edit icon and reduce the font size accordingly.